
I will never stop learning!!

I believe that a good dog trainer never stops learning!

In May 2023, I completed two courses that enriched my knowledge of dog behavior and training:

  • Dive Deep: An Advanced Training Course
    This course took place at the Karen Pryor National Training Center “The Ranch” under the guidance of Ken Ramirez.

    The course dealt with advanced dog training topics such as working dog challenges, protocols for dealing with aggression, training animals for protection and conservation of nature, concept training for dogs, and more.

  • IAABC Foundation course: The Thinking Animal

    This was a course on the thinking abilities of animals under the guidance of Kristina Spaulding, PhD CAAB.

    The course dealt with animal cognition and its effect on animal behavior. It teaches how understanding your dog’s cognitive ability can help solve behavioral   problems.

And this is to certify:

תעודה של קורס אימון מתקדם
Advanced training course under the guidance of Ken Ramirez
אני וקן רמירז
Ken Ramirez and me at The Ranch
תעודה של קורס בעל החיים החושב
Certificate of the thinking animal course